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Mons Pubis Lift & Mons Pubis Correction in Düsseldorf

Information about the Mons Pubis Lift:

  • Treatment duration: approx. 1 hour
  • Anesthesia: local anesthesia, twilight sedation if desire
  • Hospital stay: outpatient
  • Downtime: approx. 2-3 days
  • Avoidance of sports: at least 2 weeks
  • Price: from €1,500

The mons pubis is a cushion of skin and fatty tissue located above the bony pubic bone. Due to genetic or hormonal influences, there can be a noticeable enlargement of this region. Even after significant weight loss, it is often the case that the fat deposit in the mons pubis area remains stubbornly persistent. Such protruding tissue can be very discomforting for women, making them desire a less prominent transition from the abdomen to the intimate zone.

A tissue-preserving liposuction in the mons pubis area can permanently remove the excess fat. Typically, the procedure can be done on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia (with the option of twilight sedation) and takes about 60-90 minutes. Post-treatment includes the consistent wearing of specialized compression garments for about 6 weeks. In certain cases, skin tightening or a combination of liposuction and removal of excess skin might be the right approach to achieve your well-being. We would be happy to advise you in a personal conversation, taking into consideration any existing scars, such as a cesarean section scar, and the tissue composition of the surrounding body areas.

Expert tip from woman to woman by Dr. med. Naja-Norina Pluto:

If desired, the mons pubis correction can be combined with liposuction in the abdominal region or other intimate surgical procedures such as labia correction, with or without a clitoral hood reduction. I would be happy to personally consult with you at our practice in Düsseldorf about the possibilities of an aesthetic change to your intimate area.

Book an appointment online now

Do you have questions about mons pubis correction, or would you like to book an appointment online directly? No problem: We advise and treat you with the utmost discretion and in a trusting environment.

Upon request, the treatment team can consist exclusively of female professionals.

Online Appointment

1. How is the mons pubis correction performed?

We carry out the correction of the mons pubis under local anesthesia with twilight sedation.

The outpatient surgery lasts about 1 hour. The liposuction is performed using a very gentle vibration-assisted method. If there is sagging in the lower abdomen, this procedure can be combined with a so-called mini-abdominoplasty, a tightening of the lower abdomen. After a short rest period, you can leave the practice, accompanied.

After the surgery, swelling and hematomas may occur, which usually subside after 10-14 days. Pain of varying degrees can occur in the first 1-2 days after the surgery but can be easily reduced by cooling and taking painkillers.

2. What should be considered after a mons pubis correction?

To reduce swelling as quickly as possible, wear compression shorts for 6 weeks after the surgery. The sutures for the small incisions can be removed after 10 days.

You should refrain from sports and sexual activities for 3-4 weeks.

Despite a strong desire for a mons pubis reduction, many women fear the procedure and therefore hesitate to consult an expert. To alleviate your uncertainties and fears, a detailed consultation is standard with us. If you wish to have your mons pubis reduced, contact us now and make an appointment at our practice in Düsseldorf, where you can consult in peace and have your questions addressed.

Online Appointment

3. Are there visible scars after a mons pubis correction?

During the liposuction in the mons pubis area, two approximately 5 mm long skin incisions are made. They are positioned in such a way that they are hardly visible after complete wound healing and are covered by underwear.

4. What are the risks of mons pubis correction?

Basically, complications can occur with any surgery. Therefore, mons pubis correction is no exception. In very rare cases, there may be prolonged swelling, temporary numbness, or minor irregularities. However, if the procedure is performed by an experienced specialist in plastic surgery, this operation is considered to have very low complications.

5. Will I be unable to work after the mons pubis correction?

We recommend that you stay at home and rest for a few days. This is definitely beneficial for wound healing.

6. Will my sensory perception in the genital region change due to the mons pubis correction?

Thanks to the gentle surgical technique used for the mons pubis reduction or the liposuction on the mons pubis, we avoid injuring nerves responsible for sensory perceptions in the clitoral area. Therefore, the sexual sensation in the intimate zone remains unchanged after the procedure.

Further FAQ

What costs can I expect for a mons pubis correction?

In general, the costs always depend on the extent of the treatment. Prices for a mons pubis correction start at 1,500 euros.

We are always available for questions about liposuction on the mons pubis or mons pubis reduction. We would be happy to discuss your individual wishes and requirements in an initial consultation and then provide you with an exact cost plan. Contact us now to schedule an appointment at our practice in Düsseldorf.

Online Appointment

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