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Wrinkle injection & volume enhancement with hyaluronic acid in Düsseldorf

Information about the filler treatment

  • Treatment duration: 30 - 45 minutes
  • Stunning: none
  • Stay in hospital: outpatient
  • Downtime: none
  • Price: from € 350 -

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our body. It is responsible for moisture retention and helps to keep the skin firm. As time passes, the natural hyaluronic acid content in our body decreases. Through the normal aging process, the face loses its storage of acid in the tissue and subsequently the skin loses its elasticity and firmness.

The first signs of this reduction in volume are small wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet, frown lines, tear lines); nose (nasolabial lines, commonly known as smile lines); and lips (lip wrinkles or lip lines). With an injection of natural hyaluronic acid, the skin regains its volume and elasticity, restoring a more youthful appearance - for men and women alike.

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Do you have any questions about wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid or would you like to make an appointment online? Please contact us.

Online appointment

1. What is the effect of hyaluronic acid?

The effect of hyaluronic acid lies in its own lifting capacity (filler) and its enormous water-binding capacity. A single molecule is able to bind six times its own weight in water. When used as a filler, this creates a cushioning effect. The skin regains its youthful appearance and becomes firm and smooth. It also gains elasticity.

2. Who is a treatment with hyaluronic acid suitable for?

Through the natural aging process, the amount of hyaluronic acid in our body continuously  decreases. This begins as early as the age of 25 and progresses steadily. Around the age of 60, only 10 percent of the originally existing hyaluronic acid content is still present in the body.

The connective tissue and the skin lose volume in the process, causing the facial structures to lose their elasticity and form wrinkles. Around the age of 40 and onwards, wrinkles in the face become much more prominent and the desire to smooth the skin increases.

A hyaluronic acid treatment is suitable for you if you want skin rejuvenation without surgery and scars. In addition, a modern three-dimensional volume adjustment with hyaluronic acid can also significantly improve connected facial profiles, such as the cheek-chin area.

3. Which wrinkles can be treated with hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid can be used in many ways for wrinkle treatment. Whether small wrinkles or deep wrinkles, they can all be successfully treated. The result of the injection is immediately visible and contributes to a natural appearance without scars. As this is a non-operative method for smoothing the skin, you will not experience any downtime afterwards.

One example of treating wrinkles with hyaluronic acid is the reduction of nasolabial lines. These wrinkles extend from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth. As a result of the treatment, your facial expression will immediately appear much healthier and friendlier.

Also, more extensively cross-linked hyaluronic acid molecules can be used to create real three-dimensional models of the facial structures in a gentle way. For example, sunken cheeks or deep circles under the eyes can be corrected; or a youthful, dynamic jaw line and a well-proportioned chin can be created. The treatment also helps to reduce wrinkles in the mouth and lip area, horizontal forehead wrinkles, and rejuvenate the back of the hand.

Active wrinkles, which are caused by the activity of the muscles in the face, are less suitable for wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid. Active wrinkles are known as expression lines (vertical frown lines or laugh lines). These can be treated much more effectively with a Botulinum treatment. The combination of hyaluronic acid fillers and Botulinumtoxin is also possible and has become a popular, effective approach to facial rejuvenation.

Liquid Facelift: A complete rejuvenation treatment for your face in Düsseldorf

Besides firm skin, characteristics of a fresh and youthful-looking face are round contours, high cheekbones and full cheeks. A Liquid Facelift is a comprehensive treatment for the entire face.

In this procedure, we not only concentrate on tightening the skin in individual areas, but create volume in the whole face. The most suitable treatment method for this is called a Liquid Facelift. It provides a comprehensive facial rejuvenation thanks to the volume generated by hyaluronic acid. It is our objective to ensure that the attainable changes remain gentle and natural without creating a bloated or injected look.

4. How much does an injection with hyaluronic acid cost?

The cost of this treatment depends on the amount of hyaluronic acid used. The price for an injection starts at € 370 per millilitre.

You are welcome to make an appointment at our practice in the Medienhafen in Düsseldorf. In a private consultation we can discuss your personal choice of treatment.

5. What is the procedure and aftercare of an injection with hyaluronic acid?

The treatment begins with the application of a light anaesthetic cream. After a short application time, this area is then carefully disinfected. The duration of the treatment varies between 30 and 45 minutes, depending on the amount of work involved.

Depending on the objective of the treatment, the filler is injected into superficial or deeper skin layers. For an optimal result, it is sometimes useful to inject the filler into different layers of skin. To prevent possible swelling, we recommend cooling the treated area. Initial results can be seen immediately after treatment, but typically improve more so during the first one to two weeks.

Further FAQ

How permanent are the results of hyaluronic acid injections?

Hyaluronic acid is slowly and completely broken down by the body. The duration of the result depends on which facial regions were treated with the filler and how deep it was injected. On average, the duration is between 4 and 9 months. Sometimes the effect can even last up to one year or more.

What are the risks and side effects of wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid?

This treatment is considered to be an extremely low-risk and gentle method for facial rejuvenation. The substance used is biosynthetically produced and is almost identical to the body's own hyaluronic acid, which is why the preparation is very well-tolerated and only in exceptionally rare cases leads to allergic reactions.

After the treatment, slight redness or bruising may occur, but this can be covered with makeup. We will inform you in detail about possible risks and complications in a private consultation.

What kind of downtime should I expect?

After a wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid there is no downtime. Possible redness or bruises will disappear after a few days. Until then, they can be easily concealed with makeup.

Which fillers do we use at our practice?

We only use fillers that are completely broken down by the body.

●     JUVEDERM®: Dermal-Filler for face, lips and skin quality

For wrinkle treatment we use filling substances from the reputable company, Allergan. The manufacturer, Allergan, has FDA approval for Juvéderm products in the USA, which requires medical studies to be proven on skin compatibility and effectiveness. Since the products we use have a full spectrum of various degrees of cross-linking with the hyaluronic acid molecules, we can satisfy your wishes and ideas very specifically. If there is a need to dissolve the injected hyaluronic acid, this can be easily achieved by injecting a special enzyme (Hylase). However, there is rarely the need to do so.



RADIESSE® is a filler gel that consists of calcium hydroxyapatite particles and immediately improves the volume of the skin. Over time, the gel is completely broken down by the body while it also stimulates the body's own collagen production. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity and resilience of the skin. The facial features continue to improve, even after the substance has broken down. Patients appreciate the natural treatment results as well as the soft and delicate feel of their skin. As with hyaluronic acid, follow-up treatment is usually only necessary after one to two years. RADIESSE® does not require the filler to be dissolved by an enzyme like hyaluronic acid.

We would be happy to discuss with you in person which treatment would be best. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Deutsche Gesellschaft der Plastischen, Rekonstruktiven und Ästhetischen Chirurgen IPRAS European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Deutsche Gesellschaft für Senologie Interplast Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft der Plastischen, Rekonstruktiven und Ästhetischen Chirurgen Qualitätssiegel
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