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Financing your treatment

Cosmetic surgery is often a costly procedure, although it is certainly priceless for your self-esteem. Health insurance companies often cover only a very small part of the costs or possibly none at all. Many patients are unaware of the opportunity to have their treatment financed.

Our partner Medipay grants you a low-interest loan, the term of which you can determine yourself through the amount of the monthly installments. Thanks to Medipay you can take advantage of our best medical services in a comfortable and uncomplicated way. All you need to do is fill in the application form and we will arrange the rest for you directly with Medipay. Your application will be reviewed within one day and a loan agreement will be drawn up immediately after successful review. Financing is even possible from an amount of € 250.

Basic requirements for the granting of a loan are: being of legal age (18 years), primary residence in Germany, positive SCHUFA information, as well as proof of a steady income from employment or pension. In the case of trainees, students or housewives, there is the possibility of adding another person (a parent or spouse) as a second borrower.

For further information on financing through Medipay, please contact our practice team.

Are you thinking about financing your treatment?

For further information on Medipay financing, please contact our practice team.

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Deutsche Gesellschaft der Plastischen, Rekonstruktiven und Ästhetischen Chirurgen IPRAS European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Deutsche Gesellschaft für Senologie Interplast Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft der Plastischen, Rekonstruktiven und Ästhetischen Chirurgen Qualitätssiegel
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